Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Cognitive milestone

Ohhhhhh ya'll! I got Luke some diapers at Walmart yesterday and went to the baby section. Yes..he's 20mths...but he's never been able to play with the 6mth toys and it's been a neat journey for us.

So, my OT (Occupational therapists) whom we love...suggested we start buying baby items that he can insert balls into pockets and/or holes that fit appropriately.

Lookeeeeee at this! The video is below and it's just amazing. We are in awe of this little miracle and we so wanted to share.

Note: Luke is teething serious molars right now and the only thing that soothes him is a 6cc med. syringe! So for you SN mom's out there....laugh on ladies! Laugh on with us because it cracks us up!

This is the toy I got...when Luke inserts a ball....the music goes off. Cause and affect..

He's trying to stick his med. syringe in the holes. So funny..we'll take it!
Enjoy the video below...

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