Friday, June 22, 2007

Luke has gone bolus..

Ok, in the tube feeding world there are terms that I've had to learn. One of which is a term called "Bolus feed". Meaning, you pour the formula in a syringe and gravity the entire feed in over a 5 minute time frame. That's called Bolus.

So, in the baby food feeding world....if you put a drip of baby food on a spoon that's called "a drip". (lol) But, if you dip that puppy in the jar and pull out a whole spoonful...that's called a BOLUS spoonful.

So, after giving Luke the mestinon and trying baby food with Vital Stim...guess what? BOLUS SPOONFULS of baby food with ZERO SUCTIONING! He's swallowing the food people. My therapist is amazed and says he's double swallowing now and she's convinced he's really swallowing. If this gene is 'the one'..then we are scheduling a modified barium swallow test like SUPER QUICK.

If he passes guessed it. BABY FOOD TIME. I can't even begin to think what that will be like. Crazy isn't it? All I've ever known is a gtuber. Wow? Pray loved ones
The food of the day was "SQUASH". Yummmmyyyyy. Luke loves it.

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