Thursday, March 13, 2008

Surgery date is set


It's me. Kinda gotten out of my funky dunky. My post title is in honor of Ericka. We have this 'thing'. We have started this "I'm going to Chicky feelayhaydaymaydoreeay". Not sure where this has evolved but the word is getting longer as the days go past. Cracks me up.

And then...there's Lisa.

We danced in this hair supply store together at the front counter. We had a moment. The music was playing and it just happened..we started rocking out. The clerk looked up and Lisa stopped dancing. I didn't. And Lisa says "your supposed to stop dancing when people stare". And the young clerk says with her back turned to us "Not everyone has to stop". Totally craked me up.

Lisa did my hair today. I love it. I'm ready for Spring. Or at least my hair is. :)

1) UPDATE on Luke's BOO BOO's:
His surgery is scheduled for March 26th. It's been knocked around a few times but I'm hoping this will stick. More to come on that front.

Everyone has sent emails inquiring about Luke and I wanted to blog it. How is everyone? you doing ok? Blogging can be lonely at times. You blog and then you get your few comments and then you think...who am I blogging for? oh..that's right: ME, my family and then Luke someday.

I feel so privileged by anyone else that reads about our seriously dysfunctional life.

I love you bloggies.

I so do. Even if you don't stalk me. I just love blogging. Such a release of emotional pent up energy.

Have a good night....,

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