Monday, May 10, 2010

School field trip

Well, we did it. I did the parent field trip thingy and Luke did the ZOO.

Both equally a huge accomplishment. I child is SOO ME!

So, Luke did great. He had a huge sensory meltdown for the first 45 minutes. But, by God's grace, we managed thru it and thank GOD for my nurse CANDI! She's so intuitive and was so great during the whole process of him freaking out. I really needed this co-support for sure.

He finally got it together and then we browsed the zoo. It was so adorable to watch Luke so curious.

I, in all my cuteness as you can see below was really not into the whole parent chaperon thing so I opted to just take care of Luke. A parent tag along I guess you would say! LOL. I really wanted to focus on Luke. Which was seriously necessary since our last zoo visit was nothing short of a nightmare tagged with a crying fit all the way home.

So here goes! I call these pictures with the exception of a few that needed it's own title..."YAY! WE DID IT".

Place: Frank Buck Zoo in Gainesville, Texas
LUKE RODE THE BUS on the way there! He loves the bus!

His teacher Ms. Bird is waving at me above the giraffes! So funny!

The monkey's were seriously a 'pack' and it was funny to see them face me all at once! LOL
Above is Luke's Teacher Ms. Bird . We love her! Curly blonde smile lady here. Love her! Can you spot Luke?
Seriously...the picture above is my favorite picture. I call this picture "My Big boy".

The above picture in all its sweetness with my called "Fat arms".
Ok, hope you enjoyed! that was our Tuesday! love you! Andrea

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