Friday, April 25, 2008

Painful but necessary PT sessions..

Hey fam, a long overdue update on Luke. We had PT this am and boy..what an emotional drain on the momma. It's so hard watching your child cry and cry...knowing it's the best for him.

Uggh! I hate it.

At any rate, what you are about to watch is a session therapy GONE GOOD! It took a few crying tantrums...but he eventually got over it and realized..."momma ain't saving me".

The contraption you are about to see Luke in is called a Gait Trainer. It's to help him learn to WALK. In the past, he's hated this thing. But, now..he has no choice. He's about to be forced into it daily---every morning to be exact for 30 minutes. Jonathan and I are really cracking down and not allowing his tantrums to override our desires for him.

I want my baby to a diaper..with cowboy boots on. Is that so selfish? LOL.

Seriously---we know he can do it..we just need to crack down and be disciplined about his will.

Enjoy---or hold your ears. Whatever the case. Hugs, A (more to come)

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