Thursday, August 28, 2008

Plant hair

Here lately, Luke has been scooting his butt over to plants. Tall ones. Then, he strategically positions himself right under them and just sits there and laughs.

He favorite thing to do is pick flowers and hold the flower, or tug at funky looking plant stems etc. ...pretty much anything that is planted in a pot or the ground is a playtoy for him.

Last season I posted where Luke was in Jon's garden and tearing up stuff having a hay day. Well, this season he's a little more polite about it and just stares and laughs. It's very sweet. He wants me to point and say "Plant", "Flower", "green stem". :)

Daddy always says to Luke "be nice to the green people son". It cracks me up. Jon is a green people lover. Not me!

So...I call this picture below "Plant hair". I even took some video where I say "Plant hair" about 50x. It's quite annoying after reviewing it. lol. Oh well, it's called mommy baby time. We get bored and start scooting over to other neighbors yards. So fun. (video below)

p.s. Sorry to the neighbor where Luke messes up your rock bed. I really feel bad about it. I try to put it back together...but I saw where you were not happy with my results from a distance. (oops) sorry. I don't talk to this neighbor nor do I know her name. And, I'm certain she does not know my blog..however, sorry strange neighbor?! k?

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